Sunday, December 5, 2010

Excerpt from "A Date with Death"

Cassie and Kendra entered the restaurant and step directly into a pool of blood. The bell on the door is still ringing as Kendra steps in. “This is not floor cleaner, is it?” said Kendra. “No, it’s not.” states Cassie. “Well, the lights are still on!”. The lights dim and flicker with a humming sound as they finally lower to a bare beam from above, then with a pop, extinguish. “Ok, that was the wrong thing to say. I think the best thing to do is leave, obviously George is not here and this is going from bad to worse!” says Kendra.

Cassie reaches for the door and turns the knob to close it behind her. As it moves she hears a moan and both she and Kendra are frozen in their tracks. They look at each other and cry “Where are you?”. They follow the moaning down the diner car counter until they reach a booth and see their client, George Graham, slumped over the table moaning and trying very hard to speak to them….Kendra grabs her cell phone and dials 911…and starts talking quickly relaying all the info on the scene and to get a ambulance there as soon as possible.

George is trying valiantly to tell Cassie something, but, it keeps coming out, mumbled and garbled…George is gasping for air and blood keeps dribbling from his mouth. His final try only sounds like gurgle. As he passes out and Cassie tries to check and find his pulse amid all the blood on his shirt and collar she uses the tablecloth to stop the bleeding.

The ambulance arrives in moments and Cassie is screaming as they enter the door, directing them to her and George’s body. Cassie then seems to find herself in a blur or where everything seems to be in slow motion….So, slow that she finds herself feeling like she is watching a movie as it all fades to black……

Kendra could not believe what the EMT was saying. “Yes mam, she has fainted!” We need to move! She will be fine; I checked her pulse and her vitals. You need to get her out of here so the investigators can start!” The EMT stared at her and then again started, “hello”. “Now don’t you faint too?” Kendra forced her eyes to the door and removed her self from the trance. “Yes, I will get her to a safe place.” As Kendra kneeled next to Cassie she took out the cell phone that had served George so well and selected the speed dial number that she needed. The phone rang and a man’s voice answered “Hello”? Kendra continued “Hi, this is Kendra Kyle. I am sorry to bother you at this late hour, but, it is Cassie. “The man interrupted as if he intended to jump thru the phone. “Where is she? Is she alright? “Kendra waited till he was done, tamping her foot as if he was a 3 year old demanding a cookie or else. She continued, “She is fine, but, she has fainted”. We are at the diner on rte 3. The EMT’s have requested that someone stay with her for the night. The man interrupts her and says “I will be right there. Give me 15 minutes to drive from here.” Kendra’s response is filled with relief, “I will be here, waiting”.

Kendra watches as the man arrives in his, Audi TT, similar to driving a suitcase. She secretly thinks, why didn’t he bring something bigger? But, then again, she is just glad he is here. Kendra wonders what keeps them from being together, but, she knows better than to delve into Cassie’s past. The last time she tried to talk to Cassie about men, it almost cost her Cassie’s friendship.

He steps out of the car and asks, “Are you sure she doesn’t need to go to the hospital?” “I’m sure” Kendra states flatly. “After 3 EMT’s watched her fall, they are sure.” “Shall we?” as Kendra motions to his car. He opens the passenger door and it is filled with blankets and pillows, plus an Airedale Terrier whom answers to the name of Daemon. Daemon whimpers and puts out a sharp bark, before the man quietly calms him with a pet and a few soft words. He and Kendra lift Cassie into his car and she stirs, and then quiets as he places the blankets around her and Daemon pushes at her with his nose. The car door shuts and he turns to Kendra. “What happened here”? He demands. Kendra replies “I will tell you all about it, tomorrow”. She hesitates and adds, “You know you really do make a great Knight in shinning armor.” He replies, “Some shinning armor. A silver Audi?” Kendra answers, “It works, for her, you know.” With that he dashes into the car and quickly drives away. Leaving Kendra quite alone and wondering who would want George Graham dead?

Chapter 2

Cassie wakes to find herself staring at a ceiling. White and stark, with no sign of life as she scans the paint. As she looks around the room, she realizes that she knows where she is. The window is familiar as is the sound of the garbage man who is very noisily completing his job. The light streaming in is bright, which makes her wonder if the garbage man is late, today? Cassie loves the feeling of warmth and the idea that this is a familiar place. She looks around the room and recognizes the photo’s on the dresser at the end of the room, her lover with his family and his friends.

She slowly closes her eyes and then hears “Good Morning, sleepy head”. Her lover rolls over and pulls her into her arms and lays his hand on the curve of her back, stroking her slowly with his thumb. With total surprise, she says “I thought this was a dream.” “No dream” he says. “You needed rescuing. I was glad to do it for you.” As her body touches his she realizes that she is naked and his skin is the warmth that she craves. “How, did I get here?” she asks with a lilt in her voice. “You fainted after the EMT’s arrived.” he said. “Kendra called me”. “I have always loved having you next to me. So, this was my pleasure to rescue you, once again”, he said. "I'll give you a nice rubdown after a long, relaxing bubble bath." he said giving her a small kiss on the neck, enjoying a low moan coming from someplace deep in her. “I love the way you hold and touch me”, she whispered. Relishing every moment as his hands gently and lovingly move up her body to caress her breasts, Cassie arches her back, while his thumb moves towards her swollen nipples. Cassie loved his soft touch and tender kisses on her neck and shoulders. Her body was now completely on fire, wanting him to rub, touch and caress every, single inch of her. He teases her and she moans as his thumbs moved around her nipples. “More?” he asked panting in her ear as he continued to gently squeeze and caress her. “Yes!” she said, then his skilled thumbs at last, touch her nipples. “Oh, Yes!” Cassie cries out. A smile slid across his face as his eyes roamed over her curvy body. He pulled her closer to him enjoying her warm body and the feel of her silky skin. “Don’t stop, my love” Cassie whispers as she feels his hands roaming over her back and down to her bottom. “I won’t”, he whispers caressing her bottom with one hand while the other slowly moved up her panting body, until he found her breast and gently rolled and pulled the swollen bud, igniting the passion within her even more. He leans closer and kisses her with a gentle nudge as if to awaken her from her trance and she replied with the gentle skill of a reply made over a thousand times before. Cassie’s body responded to each caress and to each movement as if the dance was performed a thousand times, but thought as if it was as she had never felt like this before.

He loved hearing her soft moans and knew that this was only the beginning and with each passing moment, he caressed her lower, pulling her lower leg in between his and her upper leg over his hips he gently nudges forward to press himself to her. Taking his hand from her hip he caressed the silken skin downward to the apex of her. He nudged the lips and found the part he so desired. Cassie jumped when his thumb entered her lips. He could feel how moist she was and how her desire for him had not changed. He circled her nub and felt her want to lift off the bed. “Oh, no”, he said. “Tonight is for you, only you” he said. Cassie dreamily opened her eyes and mouths the silent word, “no”. “You have no choice. I need to do this. I want you, like this.” He says. He is intent as he watches in awe of this woman and the wonderful sensations that rush from her nipples, thru her body and to the deepest, newly awakened part of her. He presses into her and continues to move his thumb in the circular pattern, then splits her and presses himself into her further, watching her face for the emotion of the sublime and then feeling the rush that he and he alone can make her feel this way. Cassie is oblivious to the man whom holds her, she only knows that she is safe in his arms and these feelings are like none she has know before, yet, she has…..He is amazed as her head falls back and she is fully allowing him to do as he will and he hears her say “don’t stop,!” He pulls her fully to him and with his upper hand does not stop moving his thumb in the circles as her moans are getting louder with each slow and exact movement. He starts his thrusting and Cassie is lost. She knows nothing else, but, his lips on her breasts and his hands holding her secure while his fingers and his body make her apex throb and a wonderful rush starts to inflame her sex. He now only knows that he wants this woman to be fully his. Cassie is completely in the throws of his love making. She only knows that her body has given in and she wants it all! His thrusting becomes deeper and he is finding the response of her apex is almost as if her body is a vibrating string. She is getting tighter and tighter. Higher and higher as he feels her love muscles start their slow rolling movement up his sex and the tingle that she inspires has started within him. He does not stop. He cannot stop. And will not stop until he has all of her. He realizes that Cassie is meeting him now with each movement he makes she is climbing to the point of no return. Cassie’s moans fill the room and he does the one thing that she is a victim to and will push her over the edge. He gently leans over and takes a nipple into his mouth and suckles it for a moment. Cassie’s body explodes. Her sex is overcome with wave after wave of an orgasm that explodes around him with her love muscles contracting; to him it seems, at least fifty times. His body gladly gives to him the rush of his orgasm and he shouts in joy her name. As he knows will come, after he has released, her body ripples and her love muscles again give her a second joy and for him the squeezing creates a ripple of orgasm up his back, but, with the afterglow that lasts.

Cassie again awakes, but, remembers all and watches her lover sleep. She knows not why or how his touch can do and make her feel all she does, but, knows that life would be empty without him. She readily accepts that if the man where not the one she adores, seeks and relishes his advice. He has become this strength that she truly needs, the happiness she feels would never be, if he were not in her life.

Two weeks prior

George Graham sits in front of his computer at work. His ipod blaring “Days go by” sung by Keith Urban. George opens a internet connection and says to himself “tired of being alone”. He does a search on Matchmakers. George has done the internet dating service thing and he has paid to have people look at his photo and never contact him or even say, no thanks when he sends a note. George is one of those men who looks like he steps from the pages of GQ magazine. He is a sculpted god. The only problem is that everyone thinks that he is a statue, not a real guy. Most think that he has several women set on speed dial, etc. Not true at all. He is real and is quite tired of being, alone. The 5th one down in the list will do. ”Your little black book”. Matchmaking services for men and women. K. Kyle and C. Vaughn, owners.
George fills in the basic form and e-mails it to the blind address. He thinks, well, atleast I made the attempt.

Meanwhile, at a cafĂ© in Richardson’s bay, overlooking the water, Cassie Vaughn and Kendra Kyle lean over a iphone and whisper. “Ohhhh, he is handsome. But, what about personality? Kendra added. Well, that will take a conversation and a meeting. Cassie hizzed. Set him up! Oh, and get the money ahead of the wedding this time! Kendra blurts out loud enough to make the older woman in the corner to jump! Cassie is laughing so hard that she spills her hot chocolate. Which makes Kendra start laughing as well. “Ok, Ok!” barks Kendra. “I will call him when I get to the office”. Cassie looks at her and smiles with fondness. “yes?”, Kendra asks. I was just remembering when we first met,” states Cassie. “it was a interesting encounter!, I have to say”, Kendra flips back at her. Do you remember that Adonis with the shoe fetish?” “Oh, yea!” squeals Cassie. “He kept asking you if he could massage your feet!” “Well, you did match us up!” Cassie throws at her. “Yes,” Kendra sighs. “that was before I knew about HIM.” Cassie just stares at her with eyes that say “don’t go there”. “That was then and this is now”, states Cassie. “I still don’t know, after all these years why you called me, if you were still hung up on him”, Kendra blurts out. “I guess that I was tired of living a memory and wanted to move on.” Cassie states flatly. “The only problem is that getting over him took longer than I could have ever imagined.” “It always does”, sighs Kendra. “Well, time to reel them in.” says Kendra. “It is a Wednesday and they all want dates for the weekend, right?” “Right!” shouts Cassie. “Let’s get into the office and play with the computer. Who knows what beautiful woman is just perfect for this GQ man!”. “Ok, have you been reading harlequin romances, again?” Kendra shoots at her. “No, just having a brief moment of bliss”, snickers Cassie. As they hop into Kendra’s BMW, waiting for Cassie to buckle up for the drive down toward Mill Valley, Kendra has a memory of her own flash thru her mind.